I take my photojournalism very seriously. It goes on my Instagram, after all. Here are my quirkiest pics from Paree.
One of the first things we did was take a pic with McDonald's. What, are we supposed to just not have french fries in France?

I don't know what this is, but I agree. Yes we cat!

I spotted this tote bag in line for the Louvre and although our guide had warned us that it's actually like, illegal to take a picture of someone without their consent in France (someone fact check this???), I had to risk it. What's the worst that could happen? I get sent to French prison? Due to budget cuts they just feed us cake? Ok. Anyways, the bag says "there's always room for just one more tote bag in the world, in my wardrobe and in my heart." And I could not agree more. I stan that tote bag.

You can take the girl out of North Carolina...Emily found a before print of barbecue.
You might recognize this pic from the header of this very blog. I just find it so funny, I don't even know why. For every "cute" picture I post, there are at least 3 pics of me fixing my hair.
And honestly I think my hair does look good here, even if it's not in its final form. This is just classic Rachel. Put this in the Louvre.
I call this my Paris Flashdance moment.
We continued to send pictures of us in front of very American things to loved ones back home. But joke was on us because Sephora was actually founded in and is currently based in France. Who knew?
This one is funny though because if you can read the sign, it's mirrored here but it says COPY-TOP. And we are wearing essentially the same top in this photo. We both opted for black one shoulder numbers. And skirts. And matching charcuterie earrings. And casual footwear cause, walking.
These are PEAK Rachel, but I did not buy them. I knew buying shoes in Paris was a slippery slope. And I was already too tempted to get them in black AND orange because obviously I wear black all the time, but what if I decide to do a Lizzie McGuire cosplay?
This is funny (and ominous) to me because I was in Japan in 2018 and saw t shirts and signs for Tokyo 2020 and we all saw how that went. So when I saw the Paris Olympics merch at first I was excited and then I was worried that I might be the cause of ANOTHER pandemic so, here's hoping history doesn't repeat itself.
I would be an excellent addition to the Theatre of Emotions staff and you cannot convince me otherwise. What emotions y'all want? I can do 'em all. Except happiness.
What even? I don't know. But I wasn't going to just NOT take a picture of a nekkid tiger, snake, eagle man.
I needed to document the massive staircase we climbed to get to Winged Victory of Samothrace. It really was a victory that I made it up.
Ashtrays used to be everywhere and they were my go to souvenir gift for my parents because I wanted to bring them something back from my many Girl Scout trips to theme parks and Greensboro, North Carolina, jewel of the...pawn shop, but not spend actual money. Now my parents never smoked, so they didn't actually appreciate this but my love language is giving gifts so that's all that really mattered. All that to say...Paris had ashtrays! RIP Carrie Bradshaw, you would have loved this. So enjoy this aRt$y photo of a juul in an ashtray. And don't smoke! Not my juul, just my chuckles.
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