
Who's ready for a rebrand?

If you said no, boy do I have some bad news for you. If you said what's a rebrand?, I really hope you're not one of my former students. And if you said yes...WELCOME! 

I have consolidated all of my online presence into one megazord! Snapchat? Twitter? Instagram? TikTok? Venmo 😏 ? It's all redwhiteandrae! (except my Reddit account, I am taking that one to the grave)

If you didn't follow my previous blogs, how dare you? And this will operate in the same basic fashion. Not basic fashion as in scrunchies and crop tops but basic fashion as in I will (hopefully) have a new post every week. But we're moving to Thursday! No offense to Wednesdays. Wednesdays are great. But I already have Bible study on Wednesdays and I just really like the vibes of Thursday. It's like you've almost made it. Stay up too late on a Monday? Week ruined. Vibes off. Under eye bags. Stay up too late on a Thursday? No worries. You just gotta limp through Friday.

So. Thursdays it is. I will also be gradually reposting the worthy content from my previous blog on Tuesdays. Here's a sneak peek of what you can look forward to if you're a fan, ignore if you're a hater, or dread if you're my mother...

  • my new classroom
  • what I have learned about TikTok (not much)
  • taking students on a field trip by myself
  • the story of how I confirmed French opinions on Americans
  • my tips for throwing a baby shower
  • getting my gallbladder removed
  • and yes, even more dating horror stories

To my loyal readers...y'all are real ones. I'm sorry that I stopped blogging for basically a year. And I have no one to blame but the guy who broke my heart. (kidding) (kind of) But better late than never? I'm back. 


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